Monday 30 December 2013

...Of Wishing You A Prosperous New Year 2014

Am hereby wishing you a happy and splendid New Year in which all you endeavours will be fulfilled through the Mighty Favour of the Lord GOD. May He guide your each and every step in the forthcoming year. At this time, one should take his/her time to reflect on how the year has been. Amid the celebrations marked with pomp and colour, we should look back and learn from the days of the past. If there were some failures, or even if it deems all a failure to you, hold no regrets and soldier on; taking with you the lessons that you've learnt and say,'Hello Tomorrow.' After all, life doesn't come with instructions. Mistakes are meant to be lessons to be learnt from; not to be repeated! With that I wish you a prosperous Year 2014...!!! See you in 2014 - THE YEAR OF BLESSINGS!
It's said that a tree cannot reach Heaven if its roots don't reach Hell.

Saturday 21 December 2013

The Superbeing A Woman Is

Before the sun shines and the dawn breaks
She's already up and awake
For a little slumber she cannot find
Being bothered by thoughts of those she minds

She's driven by a palatable passion
A passion to pursue her mission
To make this world a better place
One filled with love and ample space

To her son she accords cordial love
By tending to his begs and calls
Her love is beyond limits
Limited to no weather whether day or night

She toils and moils all day long
This she surely does for so long
In fact, for all her lifetime long
But it's her culture; in it she belongs

She cannot eat ere her son is full
She cannot sleep ere her son is dead asleep
But for nine months she beared and waited
Amidst the agony, she was cool and collected

Diamond's covalent bonds are green with envy
At the bond between a mother and her child
To her is the child attached
Together they make a perfect match

Now that her love we all eat
And in her shoes we cannot fit
What gift do we dedicate
To show of it?

To see this poem on Poem Hunter, click ME ;-)

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Mediocrity - The All Time Man's Foe!

Mediocre people are the ones who claim themselves to be the brightest among the most ignorant.The condition comes about as a result of fearing to take a step and be different from others.They hesitate to take that step which will bring a positive change in the society.
People who suffer from mediocrity compare their worse things with the worst!For example in a race,when he finishes forth,he will console himself that at least there was the fifth.
Why be a goldfish in the pond while you have the potential to be a big,white shark in the ocean?Don't be the man who's just happy by being among and with those that he inspires.This is because his light shines among the weak(in the dark),and that is why he's just comfortable.This shouldn't be the case,be among the great thinkers and let your light shine in the light!You really need to be a great thinker!
I urge you not to be that guy who thinks that he's thinking but in actual sense he's re-arranging the blocks of ignorance in his 'naughty' mind.Don't also be the guy who's an accidental thinker!Uh-Uh!
Remember, commoness is when/what you fear to do differently.
All the Best,my friends.
Have a splendid December holiday by avoiding at all costs, being mediocre in your life. You choose only the extremes, there's no in between.That's MEDIOCRITY !!

You can check out this post on Facebook by clicking here . :)

Social Misfits

As she walks down the street
Eyes glare at her pop out straight
As they pierce through her soul and mind
In her soul ease alone she cannot find
Tears drip down her chubby cheeks
Making her face pale and soar for weeks

She's seethed but silent
'Cos she cannot lament
It was her will and wish
That she contracted the virus
The virus that claims her life
Her short-lived life
Enough not for ample triumphs

She hears the sounds beat her ears
Of those that are not her beloved
As they back-bite and gossip her
Of the fate that has befallen her
By contracting the deadly disease
That wants her life dead and ceased
In it she sees neither hope nor aid
To treat her disease called AIDS

He's loathed like the devil
By everyone he comes across
A go-away-you-idiot look is his glance
It hurts him like a lance
As they never stop to wonder
At what he sees in his male colleague
As if they aren't of the same league
To want to be a gay
In lieu of making hay
While the sun shines so bright

(Let's accommodate everyone in our lives. They all have been created by God in spite of their misfortunes.)
In this weather, whether day or night Social Misfits on Poem Hunter

Sunday 8 December 2013


It all started on Friday the 15th of November, 2013. We arrived at Ngong Town at 6.00 p.m. We were overly excited to have reached the long awaited destination.This is what we had dreamed of for days on end.The day was finally here!
Upon reaching Ngong Township Primary School, we were welcomed by the ugly classrooms in which we would spend the night. We immediately started working on our supper for the night. This is usually done by the various groups in which we are assigned.
When we had already taken our supper,we retired to our beds but that wasn't all. This is because there are the popular 'Night Shifts' that are assigned to every group.This is when we have to wake up and guard for some time in the night.It's both fantastic and stressing (You know what I mean).The cold nights aren't a JOKE ! If you can't believe me, then believe the strong katabatic winds that blow in the Ngong Hills during the night. Weuwe!
During the hiking,it's all fun-filled with several checkpoints on the way before reaching our final destination. This is when we really are into the moment, enjoying each and every second of it. We carry waterbottles with us because we really get thirsty during the hiking. Since it (the water) isn't in much supply, we only afford to take a sip!
With a compass and a map only, you navigate through the hills, valleys,bushes and across rivers to get to your respective checkpoint. But of course a compass and a map only cannot fully aid you in determining your destination. You therefore need to enquire from the inhabitants. This you should do in the local language or  in the national language (i.e, Kiswahili). It's fun-filled!!
We usually took  lunch at around 2 p.m. This was when we got some chance to relax and rest. At this time, we also played some games to relieve ourselves of the weariness brought about by hiking. The popular ( Kati) was our favourite!       
The rest of the hiking would be done on our way to the institution in which we would spend the night. We mostly reached the respective institution at dusk. Without dilly-dallying, we would immediately start by preparing our supper. This is also done in terms of groups. This way, group work is enhanced among the members. There's also a lot of interaction. This improves one's social skills.
During  the last day of the expedition, we usually have the most-loved BONFIRE! This, we can say, is the climax of it all. Let me not say much about it because I simply can't explain how fantastic it is. Any member, even the most dull one, will accord with me about this.
As I wind up, leadership skills are developed among the members by the various roles that a member is accorded.
Lastly, I can say that President's Award is the place for any teenager to be!! 

Tuesday 19 November 2013


This is an expedition report of how things went down at Ngong Hills.I won't say much to keep the suspense up. So keep it locked for some great things... ;)  

Thursday 14 November 2013

'You define how you will live your life by tackling each day as it comes.'
As the alarm clock rings
A sinister sensation cloaks
Like a bad egg in the mouth
Yak! Disgusted is the feeling
Towards the day about to break
Ignorant of the fate it brings
A grin is hard to feign
Feign to create a face
A face to face the world           

For more of my poems ....

Sunday 10 November 2013


From the start of conception
He knew he was a champion
Like a lion in a mission
His ambition was no fiction

Nine months he counted in the womb
In there, he paused and pondered
His yearn was to conquer
The mother could tell by the kicks

The D-Day at long last came
The world to welcome a treasure
A masterpiece - a gift from God
Specially made by the mighty hands

The world was longing and eager
To welcome this one of a kind
With trumpets and tuba in wait
Tensed faces they made to paint

His birth was right
For good was was the fate
With a tap on his butt
The cry was fitter than fit

His arrival was a bang
Dealing less with the tongue
But with deeds that defined
Defined what he had coined

Looking For Love

I sit here and wait
Ignorant of my fate
Eager to meet my mate
Before I fall and faint

Her thought is a wind
But I never seem to mind
For in her I found
That thing that bound

Will she forsake me
Am afraid to find
With my fear I hide
As I pause and ponder

She's the one I chose
By approving for a spouse
From a pack I picked
From the sea I fished

I doubt my feelings not
But just an answer I sort
In her life I'm caught
Cos' am not for a nought

Her love I'll seek and search
The path to her heart I shall take
In my heart is her home
Where she dwells in form

So wish me well my folks
In my quest for love
Pray for me my dears
For God Himself is Love

Monday 7 October 2013

Night Literary Works

With interest I write
Alone in this cold night
Under my bulb's filthy light
Unsure if am writing it right

Am dedicated to fight
The fight of the might
With victory in sight
My tomorrow is bright

Under my haters' weight
I must rise to a new height
Relentless, I hold on tight
And just wish you a goodnight!

Night Literary Works


Stand strong and hold
Hold to the dreams of old
For you got to be bold
Not to shiver nor waver in the cold
In these days of mold

For behold
With time dreams come to unfold
Dreams unheard of and untold
When others count their past woulds
You will be a piece of gold


Saturday 5 October 2013

Freedom From Laziness


A little slumber, a little folding of hands
And poverty hits like an armed robber
Pummeling squarely on its victim

The hands and legs feel weak
The limbs want to go numb
At the thought of work, the mind resigns
The spirit is willing but the body weakens

A little sitting back and relaxing
Thinly thinking that things will go right
Hoping against hope that it'll be okay
Waking up from the reverie in hunger

Laziness indeed an enemy it is
To the society, the nation, the world
Dragging development and devolution
To the people, for the people, by the people

The savaged folks from the sabotage
And give them freedom to reign over it
To be at the helm of its seduction
To thrush its efforts to futility  
                                                                     By Francis G Kariuki

Songs - A Lifestyle

With keen interest one listens
As ears with sound are beaten
With the rhythm one flows
Like a river as it trods

Music a lifestyle lived
Without which life's a mistake
With passion on sings
Moving souls; provoking minds

Fiery and scary songs we have
Making souls taut and tensed enough
Getting deep, deep into the depths of one
Digging and delving one's innermost being

Happy and gay songs there are
Lively and youthful, the world they make
As one hearkens with a happy heart
Life's beauty besieges a bouncing heart

A part and parcel in life, songs are
Far-fetched life would be without songs
Changing people over the ages
Songs reigning ad infinitumly